Woo Fong Investment Group
Tired of Cookie Cutter Mutual Funds with High Fees?
We work with individuals who discovered it is best to own individual securities instead of a mishmash of high-cost mutual funds and ETFs. Our clients are goal-oriented families who want a professionally managed portfolio of diverse assets with a unique differentiation.
We believe in the following guidelines to best invest for our clients:
- Have a financial plan. Let’s set expectations and alleviate stress.
- Own individual stocks and bonds. This keeps costs low and ensures the best investments are reflected directly in your portfolio.
- If circumstances allow, own bonds with a hard maturity date (instead of bond mutual funds or ETFs).
- Exposure to areas we excel in: Small Cap equity & High Yield bonds. These sectors offer excellent risk adjusted returns.
We are your portfolio manager; as such, we are directly involved in developing your financial plan. Limited use of outside or third-party portfolio managers occurs when investing with the Woo Fong Investment Group.
Priding ourselves on being accountable and available to our clients, we provide transparency and security in an ever-changing investment world.
Would you like to learn more? Email or call us today.
ACUPURE Discretionary Portfolios
One of the many services we provide includes discretionary portfolio management. These are portfolios in which all buy and sell decisions are made by a Portfolio Manager. Currently we offer five portfolios:
– Large / Mid Cap Equity Portfolio
Individual Bond Investments
A niche speciality where we can add significant value in bonds (investment grade to high yield). Our decade long history involved in this space is shaped by our independent environment.
Email us to learn moreWealth Transition Planning
Are you wondering “What’s going to happen if something happens to me?” And “How can I make things easy for my family after I’m gone?” Wealth transition planning can be used for organizing your own affairs and those of aging family members.
We offer a complete estate organization and settlement system to our clients. We gather and update your most important financial and legal information: Who needs to be called? Where are your legal documents? What’s involved in your estate?
At death, this data seamlessly transitions to an Estate Executor toolkit which gives your executor a roadmap, step-by-step advice and the tools they need to do the work. It saves your family endless hours, endless dollars and endless grief. Ask us to help you get organized and stay organized now!
More about Wealth Transition Planning
Wealth Transition Planning Checklist
Do you have a more Complex Estate?
Email us to learn moreWhy Small Cap Belongs In Your Retirement Portfolio!
Click here for more information or
Email us to learn moreYoung Professional
Are you seeking high level of advise and wealth management solutions that are usually designed for high net worth clients? Our Young Professional portfolio is designed for professionals at the beginning of their career.
Young Professional Wealth Management
Email us to learn moreFixed Income/Reserve
Fund Portfolio
Customized income portfolios specifically for Condo Reserve Funds, Pension Plans and Charity Reserves.
Email us to learn moreSnowbirds
Do you have a US dollar denominated portfolio that helps pay for vacations or foreign properties?
Do you have a US dollar denominated cash account, RSP or corporate account?
Are you looking for lower risk investments to complement your US equity exposure?
Various options exist to create an income stream in US dollars and there are various security types to choose from. The familiar investments are usually US equities (individual company, ETF or mutual fund based). However, we find there is a substantial investor base that is looking for US dollar fixed income that is less volatile and safer than equities.
Learn more here
Email us to learn moreDivorce and Beyond
Financial peace through your divorce and beyond
Email us to learn moreCalculate Your Retirement Potential
Understanding your financial situation can be difficult. With just a few questions you can calculate your current financial position and identify your top priorities. Research shows that people who have a financial plan and work with a financial planner are:
1. Confident in Achieving Financial Goals and Handling Unexpected Changes.
3. More Likely to Feel on Track with Financial Affairs.
2. Successful at Sticking to Financial Strategies.
4. More Likely to Have Higher Levels of Emotional, Financial and Overall Contentment.
We invite you to begin the financial planning discussion by clicking here.
Let’s review your current financial health. Get started by completing My Financial Checklist.
We’d love to sit down and talk. Contact us for a confidential no-obligation meeting:
The Right Team has the Right Tools
We offer an extensive toolbox, experience and education to guide you through every stage of your financial life.
1. 40+ years of combined team experience
2. Behavioral Coaching
3. Retirement Planning
4. Tax and Estate Advice
5. Investment Management across all asset classes including individual stocks & bonds, ETFs and mutual funds
6. Financial Coaching, budgeting, and cash flow management
7. Monthly client updates
8. Communication, transparency and availability
9. Strong network of vetted professionals to assist with any needs that arise
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