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Learn how we can add value to your portfolio
What Everyone Owns VS What We Own
Learn why you don't want to own what "Everyone" owns. Enter your email address and we will email you our thoughts.
Do the mutual funds and exchange traded funds (“ETFs”) that you currently own all appear to be exactly the same? ie. the same banks and mega cap companies?
The majority of the market players own mostly the same set of companies and so we are constantly looking to find under-owned investments that have a better upside than the average mutual fund including broadly-owned stocks that fill every “dividend”, “income”, “growth, or “balanced” portfolio.
Most assets in Canada are held in gigantic funds or passive ETFs and due to those companies’ sizes, it’s difficult for them to get past the top TSX60 or DOW30 indexes. Why are you paying an active manager 1.5-2% to buy the index when we can show you a more diverse way to consistently outperform the market while adding big value to your portfolio?
We’re going to show you real examples of:
- what everyone typically owns and demonstrate how we find alternative companies that have a competitive advantage over their sector peers;
- discuss stocks our clients currently own (and have owned for years) providing for above average returns;
- how these current stocks can be cheaper, minimize risk, and grow faster than their competitors;
- reasons why they can be overlooked or why large funds don’t own them in large quantities; and
- “Safe plays” and how running large pools of capital can be a disadvantage.
The 25 page presentation available above outlines specific examples of what you should own and how that could help your portfolio outperform.
How We Use Your Email Address
We ask for your email address and will use it only to contact you twice:
- To send you the presentation
- To follow up and see if you would like to be added to our email list going forward.