Darren Fong

Portfolio Manager

A portrait of Darren Fong

In addition to Darren’s broad experience in financial planning, he also specializes in supporting individuals and families during shifts in family structure. His expertise includes divorce planning, managing cash flows and support payments and inheritance discussions. Anytime a significant family change is occurring, Darren is specially qualified to provide financial advice. Many of Darren’s clients going through critical transitions are empowered to step into the next chapter of their lives, knowing he is accounting for their needs.


Something Darren prides himself in is his broad sector experience and diverse industry knowledge. To maintain this competitive edge for his clients, Darren stays up to date in world markets and trends, reading and following the leaders and influencers in various markets.


Darren’s calm demeanour and ability to remain level-headed while weighing challenging decisions serve as a significant asset to his clients. Finances and family are two areas that can quickly become emotionally charged - but Darren’s personality and approach to financial planning allow him to remain neutral and provide consistent high-level service in any situation. With this in mind, it’s also important to note that Darren isn’t passive -- he goes to bat for his clients. When you work with Darren, you will quickly see how he takes the time to understand your needs, create a comprehensive plan and continually operates with your best interest top of mind.


In Darren’s spare time he likes to golf and spend time outdoors camping and hiking. He has a big family, as well as his spouse and they have two french bulldogs that they spend a lot of time with.


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