Insure your family, not the bank!

Your mortgage payment is likely the largest expense within your family’s budget. This reality leads many people to look at purchasing life insurance when renewing their mortgage. An additional coverage for disability protects your ability to make the mortgage payment if you are unable to work. Instead of taking the coverage offered at your bank, we could offer you a better option. Insure your family instead of the bank!

Key differences:

  • You own the policy versus your bank.
  • Upon death or disability, you and your family decide how the money is used.
  • Your family can be named as the beneficiaries.
  • Being portable, you can take that coverage with you if you change lenders.
  • Your insurance coverage remains constant even as your mortgage decreases.
  • You keep your coverage as long as you wish, as long as you pay the premium.

In summary, by using an insurance contract instead of taking coverage from your bank, you gain flexibility and protection for your family, likely at a lower cost. By adding a disability or critical illness rider you can further increase the protection provided to you and your family.

If your mortgage is renewing soon, let's talk.


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