Rod Zarchekoff

Investment Advisor

A portrait of Rod Zarchekoff

Rod has been an Investment Advisor since 1994 with firms such as Midland Walwyn, Merrill Lynch and CIBC Wood Gundy. Before that, Rod owned and managed a small business. His experience is invaluable and very relatable, as many of his clients are business owners or professionals. Rod primarily works with fairly conservative investments to design custom portfolios.


Rod designs portfolios to help people in their working years build their financial assets towards their eventual retirement. He also helps those who are retired create “cash flow” to supplement any pensions that they might have. Depending on their situation, Rod can also help reduce taxation and clawbacks, etc. One of the main concerns for retirees is making sure that they don’t “outlive” their money. With people living longer and healthier these days, this is a potential issue.


Rod is a graduate of the University of Calgary and has completed the industry courses: Canadian Investment Manager, Professional Financial Planning, Canadian Options, Canadian Securities Course, and Registered Representatives (RR Exam).


On a personal note, Rod holds black belts in two different styles of karate and brings that same degree of perseverance, hard work and passion to his career in Financial Services. If you would like to employ that level of dedication to your personal or business financial situation, please contact Rod for a no obligation assessment.


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